Learning materials

Territory game 28th Oct 2011

Here is the 'map' produced by a territory game played within the first Mapping Elective session. The fight for territory and disputes over borders has been a re-occuring theme throughout history and has defined and shaped the maps we now recognise and shaped the countries we now live in.

Assignments before 28th October

Mappers....... Please check the Learning Materials page (button above). You need to have a number of items with you for the session on Friday 28th.

I will give you a brief introduction to the Elective - then we will be looking at the idea of 'territory'.

Mapping Elective

‘Jorge Luis Borges’s wrote a tale of a fully detailed and life-sized map that eventually tore and weathered to shreds across the actual territory it covered… not only does the tale beautifully capture the cartographic imagination, it goes to the heart of a tension between reality and representation, between the territory and the map’

James Corner, ‘The Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Critique and Invention.’